
Numerology: Predicting the Future Based on Your Birth Date

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Predict Future by Date of Birth

Numerology: Predicting the Future Based on Your Birth Date

The life path number is calculated by making use of numerology in order to predict the future by birth date. It will indeed interpret the path that would lead and the personality traits that will be brought into each experience that a person encounters.

Figuring Out One’s  Numerology Number?

To find out what one’s numerology number is, the person needs to follow the steps mentioned below:

Step 1: Add all of the single digits in one’s date of birth together. It is important to make sure that the full birth year is made use of, for example, 1975 instead of 75.

Look at the date of birth 11th October 1969. This would add up as follows.

1 + 9 + 6 + 9 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 0 = 28

Step 2: Now, add the two digits that result in the double-digit number together. Also, a person needs to do the same thing with the next number until there is only a single-digit number which would be anywhere between 1 and 9. This would be one’s Life Path Number and it will be used to predict one’s future.

Continue using the same example: 2 + 8 would equal 10, and 1 + 0 would equal 1. This would indeed be the person’s Life Path Number, had he or she been born on 11th October 1969.

Now, follow the same 2 steps and find out one’s own Life Path Number to predict one’s future.

Read the numerology predictions in store for oneself by looking at the numerology life path number predictions and do discover what this year has in store for oneself.

Numerology Life Path Numbers

1: Break Down Barriers

If a person gets a number 1 by making use of the formula then it means that the person has been thinking about the future and it is about time that the person takes action and made the changes that a person craves.

Define one’s goals and priorities as it is an essential part of the years that are yet to come and it would also help move a person progressively.

This year, follow one’s heart and do not let anyone hold a person back. Keep the goals that the person has in one’s mind and he or she will go far this year.

Logical and methodical thinking is key to success.

2: Success Is Near

The year for example 2019 was indeed a positive one for a person. It meant that the person would put away confrontation and would not really feel to need to pressure anyone to agree with oneself.

Using one’s power wisely as a person plays an influential role in the lives of one’s friends and also family. From the beginning of the year, the person needs to dream big. Put the idea into practice and of course, they will become a reality.

3: Find a Balance between What a Person Craves

This year would be a harmonious one for oneself and the person would be able to shake things up when the opportunity does arise. Add a little excitement to one’s life. Since this year is 3 and one’s life path is also 3, they both coincide and the person will be able to achieve his or her dreams.

4: Strong Motivation and Amazing Determination

This year would indeed be one in which the person will feel more motivated and will definitely work towards improving things wherever the person goes. Use one’s logical thinking to overcome any obstacles that a person faces in 2019.

5: Person Will Have the Fighting Spirit

The person will become more aware of one’s talents and will be able to use them to succeed in every part of his or her life. No more thinking about what-ifs and just doing.


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