
Astrology Nara Disti Problems and Nivaran Remedies

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Astrology Nara Disti Problems

Astrology Nara Disti Problems and Nivaran Remedies

Nara Disti otherwise referred to as the evil eye is indeed believed to cause negative effects on account of envious or harmful thoughts that are directed toward an individual.

Belief and intention do play a significant role in these remedies and choosing the ones that resonate with oneself and performing them with faith is important.

In the field of astrology, Nara Shakti’s problems are given much importance and there are of course suitable remedies too. In the field of spirituality too Nara Drishti does hold a place of significance as it does permeate one’s daily life.

What is Nara Drishti?

It is often considered to be the evil eye. This refers to negative energy and is known to cause spiritual, emotional, and physical disturbances in an individual. This concept has roots in Hindu ritual practices and is not unique to Hinduism.

Nara Dristhi might sound like a superstitious belief but it is well grounded in Hinduism spiritualism.

Symptoms of Nara Drishti

Symptoms are indeed diverse and can vary from person to person.

Physical Symptoms

Those affected by Nara Dristhi feel they are faced with physical ailments. They may suffer from sudden illnesses which have no medical cause.

Emotional Symptoms

Nara Drishti can manifest in the form of emotional and mental distress. Those under its influence struggle with maintaining emotional balance and are often overwhelmed by negativity. It helps to recognize these timely happenings of emotional upheavals and thus take remedial measures.

Unusual accidents and misfortune

Individuals often face accidents and misfortunes unexpectedly and need to make great efforts to cope with them. These incidents cause feelings of despair and hopelessness and remedies need to be found to overcome them.

Remedies to Alleviate Nara Drishti

Once the pitfalls and occurrences are identified remedies need to be found which are of course often in traditional and spiritual form.

Spiritual Cleansing

This is indeed a common remedy and involves certain practices and rituals meant to purify the individual and his or her surroundings. Sage smudging, salt baths, and making use of protective amulets are quite popular methods of remedial measures against Nara Dristhi.

Protective Charms and Talismans

These have been in use for centuries to ward off the evil eye and also negative energy. In Hindu tradition, people wear specific gemstones as they feel they will bring good luck and fortune Protective symbols are also made use of to protect from evil. Black thread, for example, is worn to protect from Nara Dristhi.

Mantras and Chants

Reciting mantras and chants to protect oneself from Nara Dristhi is often made use of. Mantras like Hanuman Chalisa and Maha Mritunjaya Mantra are recited for their protective shield purposes. These dispel negative energy creating a protective aura around the individual so that he or she is not exposed to evil.

Nara Disti Nirvana Pooja

Experienced priests perform it and it is meant to invoke deities to get rid of the malefic effects of Nara Dristhi. The pooja is performed according to Vedic rites.


Faith a major role in understanding and appreciating the remedies to dispel the negative effects of Nara Dristhi.

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